Friday, March 21, 2014

Cereal - Part 2 - My Game Is Crashing!

 Lacy kept on searching for fathers for the future.

 Or if it was that the game crashed, I can't remember...

 I don't know, something like that.

 She had a hobby and built things out of scrap.


 Kid walking around with an umbrella. I want one too.

 I can't remember the reason for why I took all these pictures, so that's why it's all so slow and boring right now... xD


 Poor girl.

 Now I remember, it was here my game crashed.




 Suddenly some weird halloween music started playing and I had no idea what was going on.

 Then I saw it.
It was my freaky neighbour who had ghosts in her yard.


 NEIN, go away!!!



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